These are ideas for actually doing something for others...
A group can do a cold-call on yard work. Mowing, raking leaves, etc can be done nearly year round here. Be even more intentional by not visiting church members homes (unless they are truly in need). Reach out to the community by making a difference to someone you don't even know.
Arm youth members with window cleaner and paper towels and converge on a parking lot or drive through. Clean the front window of the car and leave a note saying something like 'letting the Love of God SHINE through. You don't even have to give credit to your group because it's not meant to be about you anyway. ;-)
During Christmas season...
I was contacted last year by a single mom wanting to decorate her yard/house in Christmas lights for her young son. She had all the stuff...just needed someone to do it for her. It made me realize what a ministry this could be for a youth group or church members. Decorations could be arranged to be put up as well as taken down as part of the ministry. This would also be a tremendous ministry outreach to military families with husbands that are deployed!!
The elderly enjoy flowers...why not clean out flower beds and replant some beautiful flowers that they can enjoy!