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Women´s Study Lending Library

The women's study lending library at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention is now available through the Missions Support Team rather than the Family Ministry Team.  A variety of women's Bible study and spiritual growth study DVD and VHS kits are available for borrowing.  These study kits are primarily for smaller churches who cannot afford to purchase them but larger churches can request them as well.  The studies are availble on a first come, first serve basis to churches that call or email requesting them.  Workbooks are not avbailable for borrowing.

Authors of these studies include Beth Moore, Anne Graham Lotz, Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, Jennifer Rothschild, and Angela Thomas.

Your contact for reserving these studies is the Missions Support Team.  Contact by calling 800.838.2272 ext. 5137 or 501.376.4791, ext. 5137.