Women's Conference

Greetings from your Association WMU Leadership Team!!


We are excited to be hosting the women’s retreat/celebration on Saturday, April 27 at Grateful Acres in Lonoke. Registration begins at 8:30 that morning, with the retreat wrapping up that afternoon. The theme is “Unashamed” with Romans 1:16 being the theme verse. The cost is $15/per person which includes a monetary donation to Grateful Acres and “In Prison and Beyond” of Lonoke County, which is an organization that ministers to women inmates. A continental breakfast and lunch will also be served. There will be a Bible study entitled “Unashamed” by Shonda Pierce, which will include table discussions. There will also be praise and worship and a time for the yearly Women’s Celebration.


The mission project for this event is a monetary donation to In Prison and Beyond of Lonoke County. Please promote this within your church and help us gift them graciously. We are also asking each church to provide one-two spring-themed door prizes.


Please use the form below as registration for each person attending. Checks may be made payable to Caroline Baptist Association and mailed to PO Box 175, Lonoke AR 72086 along with the registration form. The deadline for payment and registration is April 12.


10204*_*Womens Retreat registration

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